Nairn/Hyman All Sports Centre
Minto Street, Nairn Centre, Ontario
This facility is used during all four seasons of the year and is complete with a roof to cover you from the elements. Some activities include ice hockey, jug curling, skating, basketball, community yard sale and roller skating.
Beach Area
West of Ferry Street in Nairn Centre.
A beautiful beach is available for public use off of the Spanish River.
Ball Park
Minto Street, Nairn Centre, Ontario
The Township boasts a ball park with two ball fields, a canteen and bleacher seats.
McIntyre Street, Nairn Centre, Ontario
The playground located at the Nairn Community Centre is full of activity. Children can enjoy the swing sets, slides, etc.
Tourist Accommodations – Campgrounds
Two campgrounds are located in the municipality:
Sand Bay Camp, 2132 Sand Bay Road, Nairn Centre
Silver Maple Campground, 101 Nagy Road, Nairn Centre, Ontario
Boat Launch
Located at the north end of Ferry Street near the water treatment plant in Nairn Centre.
MTO Highway 17 Rest Area
Located at the intersection of Highway 17 and Sand Bay Road.
This rest area is maintained by the Ministry of Transportation and includes a picnic area with washroom facilities.