Public Notice:
Please note that VALE Sudbury Operations has been approved for an exemption from the Noise By-law to allow for construction activities overnight between the hours of 2300 hours and 0700 hours on weekdays, Sundays and holidays at the Nairn Dam and Generating Station. The permit will be valid for 6 months from August 20, 2023. Please see below the Council Resolution permitting the exemption.
RESOLUTION # 2023-8-134
MOVED BY: Trevor McVey
SECONDED BY: Wayne Austin
WHEREAS VALE will be preforming a spillway replacement at the Nairn Dam and Generating Station due to structural integrity; and
WHEREAS two shifts are required to meet the replacement schedule; and
WHEREAS VALE is requesting an exemption to the municipality’s noise by-law for construction activities; and
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the municipality grant an exemption to the Township’s Noise By-law for construction activities overnight between the hours of 2300 hours and 0700 hours, on weekdays, Sundays and holidays for the period of time of 6 months from receiving notice.