At the Regular Council Meeting of December 13, 2021, the Council of the Township of Nairn and Hyman passed the following resolution regarding the Office of the Mayor vacancy:
MOVED BY: Councillor Gingras
SECONDED BY: Councillor MacDonald
RESOLUTION: 2021-14-286
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Office of the Mayor vacancy be filled by appointing a current member of Council;
AND THAT the Clerk provide notice to the public of the method selected by Council;
AND THAT the Clerk be delegated authority to prepare and approve meeting procedures to support the selection and appointment of a member of Council to the Office of the Mayor;
AND THAT the selection and appointment of a Mayor take place at the Regular Council Meeting scheduled to occur on January 10, 2022 at 7:00 p.m.;
AND THAT the Clerk bring forward a report to the January 10, 2022 Council meeting as to how the subsequent vacancy arising from the appointment of Mayor from an existing member of Council will be resolved.